How many staff are dedicated to your Open Space Program?
Currently, we three members of the board of directors and a chief financial officer.
What is your Annual Operating Budget for the Open Space Program (apart from land acquisition funds)?
During our ramp-up period, we expect to spend about $250,000 per year on non-land acquisition items. Those items would include, but are not limited to, accounting fees, income-producing property taxes, professional services, fencing, brush clearance, surveys, and the repair and maintenance of non-open space properties that are rented. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our tenant's business has been limited by governmental
shutdowns. Should our tenants be unable to pay their rent our operating expenses will go up to service those non-open space properties.
What is your annual budget for Acquisition of Open Space?
The annual budget for the acquisition of open space varies considerably. Our first acquisition in April 2005 was for nearly 500 acres at a little over $4,000,000. Since then the foundation has spent about $1,100,000 on land acquisition. There is no budget for acquisitions. Each parcel is considered if and when it is.
What is the source of Open Space acquisition funds?
The initial funds for the establishment of the Foundation were obtained through Planned Giving. The Foundation is seeking additional funds with which to purchase additional open space. These funds will hopefully be derived from new donations. The funding for the acquisition of the initial open space came from the borrowing of money secured by other non-open space property owned by the Foundation.
Are you able to accept donations and utilize those funds on projects?
As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, we are able to accept donations and utilize those funds on projects.
How much Open Space has been acquired since the Fond Land Preservation Foundation was formed?
In April 2005, approximately 500 acres of chaparral were obtained in the City of Los Angeles.
How much Open Space is acquired, on average, in a given year?
There is no set amount of acreage. Our acquisitions are limited by our funds, the cost of land, and our ability to locate a suitable property.
Have you set yearly land acquisition goals?
No yearly land acquisition goals have been established as our ability to acquire land is limited by our funds, the cost of the land, and our ability to locate a suitable property.
Is the land acquisition process (e.g., property owner negotiations, surveys, and appraisals, etc.) handled in-house?
The negotiation of land acquisition is currently handled by the Foundation. Appraisals, surveys, escrows are contracted out as needed.