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The mission of the Fond Land Preservation Foundation (the “Foundation”) is: (i) to acquire land, in Los Angeles County, California and/or Ventura County, California, for the establishment and maintenance of one or more parks or open spaces for the use and enjoyment of the general public to be named and dedicated in honor of Charles Fond and Rosemary Ann Fond; (ii) to donate Foundation assets to one or more charitable organizations, as described in Internal Revenue Code Section 2055, which in turn will acquire land, in Los Angeles County, California and/or Ventura County, California for the establishment and maintenance of one or more parks or open spaces for the use and enjoyment of the general public to be named and dedicated in honor of Charles Fond and Rosemary Ann Fond.


The Fond Land Preservation Foundation serves the general public through (i) acquiring land for the establishment and maintenance of one or more parks, open spaces in Los Angeles County and/or Ventura County California (ii) preserving “open space”, meaning land held in its natural and unaltered state, as nature intended after considering society’s influences thereon, (iii) expand the recreational opportunities for the general public on such land by permitting any and all activities which do not cause significant unnatural erosion and permit access for enjoyment both actively and passively, but due to erosion, noise, and fire concerns shall prohibit the use of motorized vehicles within the park boundaries, and (iv) to represent the interests of the Fond Land Preservation Foundation before public and private agencies and

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